  ▪ Location  Sharm El Sheikh
  ▪ Dive Site  Ras Ghamila
  ▪ Dive date  2007-07-20
  ▪ Boat  Habiba I
  ▪ Time Down  15:25
  ▪ Dive Time  00:51:00 mins
  ▪ Maximum depth  17.7 metres
  ▪ Average depth  13.1 metres
  ▪ Weather  Sun
  ▪ Visibility  Excellent (12m +)
  ▪ Air temperature  30 °C
  ▪ Water temperature  29 °C
  ▪ Water temperature at max  29 °C
    Sharm, July 2007 »  Viewing DSCF1470.jpg [Image 266 of 300]
Ras Ghamila

Blackside hawkfish and
Whitetail dascyllus
phpUnderwater 2 evolved by Andy Kirkland
Album last updated on 2010-03-15
Copyright (c) 2007, Andy Kirkland