
Underwater photography by Andy Kirkland

Lightroom Keywords – Import / Export and Hierarchies

Well, I’m now working on LightRoom 1.3, and no problems.
I thought it would be worth writing about how to import and export LightRoom Keywords.
It’s very easy.
Just create a file with a text editor (such as Notepad).
Then go the the ‘Library’ module and select Metadata/Import Keywords
Each new line of the file is treated as a new keyword.

It only starts to get a bit tricky if you have ‘parent’ keywords.
For my photos, for example, I tag each image with the common name / species of any fish subjects (so far as I’m able to identify them).
As there are hundreds of these (so far I’ve got 239 in my Red Sea list) I’ve organised them into families so – for example – all of the Sharks and Rays can be expanded / collapsed.

In a Lightroom export (and import) file, the children are indented from the parent on the following line with a leading tab character.
Enclosing an entry in square brackets (“[]”) will uncheck the “Include on Export” box for that keyword. However, as “Export Containing Keywords” appears to be always checked on import, each child entry will still need to be unset.

So, for example : [code lang=”ini”]

[Sharks and Rays]
Bluespotted ribbontail ray|Taeniura lymma
Cowtail stingray|Pastinachus sephen
Marbled electric ray|Torpedo sinuspersici
Panther electric ray|Torpedo panthera
Scalloped hammerhead|Sphyrna lewini[/code]

. . . will not check check the “Include on Export” for ‘Sharks and Rays’.
note:you may need to highlight the code section to see the brackets

However, the following will : [code lang=”ini”]

Sharks and Rays
Bluespotted ribbontail ray|Taeniura lymma
Cowtail stingray|Pastinachus sephen
Live sharksucker|Echeneis naucrates
Marbled electric ray|Torpedo sinuspersici
Panther electric ray|Torpedo panthera
Scalloped hammerhead|Sphyrna lewini[/code]

Synonyms are indented with a further tab, and appear to be enclosed in curly braces {} if they are not to be exported. I’ve not investigated this in any detail.

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