
Underwater photography by Andy Kirkland


Hello and Welcome

I’m really impressed with this WordPress tool.
I’ve got this section up-and-running in under a week (and that’s not by any means full-time).
Hopefully now I can get some content loaded, rather than struggling with all of the stuff that Word puts into a document, or lovingly hand-crafting unstructured HTML.

In case you’re wondering, I’m not planning on allowing comments at the moment – I don’t have time to moderate all the spam that would feed through. I do value your feedback on the site, though, and there are email links in all of the Album pages.

Most of these pages are aimed as a souvenir for people I’ve dived with, or for those who might want to get a flavour of what the diving’s like in that area.

If you’d like to use copies of the photos, please check out the “Copyright” page (when this appears).

Enjoy …


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