
Underwater photography by Andy Kirkland

eMail contact

If you email me :

I won’t store your mail address on a public server
I won’t put you on any mailing lists
I won’t disclose your address to third parties without your express permission
I won’t “spam” you
I try to make sure that my PC / website are free of viruses or spyware. However, I believe that no system is 100% secure.

I don’t normally send unsolicited emails from this site address; if you do receive unwanted email from this domain, then it is possible that the source has been “spoofed”.

I would love to hear what you think about my photos – or about the site in general.

If you want to mail me about a specific page, please use the email button on that page. This will automatically include the page URL in the subject line, so I’ll know which image you’re writing about

You can contact me through the “MuttzMail” button on the album pages. These will include the page’s address in the subject line, so I’ll know what you’re writing about.


I can also be found on Facebook. However, I’ll only accept friend requests from people I’ve met, in order to preserve the privacy of my other friends. But if I’ve dived with you, I’d love to hear from you.

updated 25/7/2010

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