
Underwater photography by Andy Kirkland

Dahab, February 2008

My first trip away since laser surgery back in December (I have my final check-up on this tomorrow).

It’s really nice to not have to wear specs (or prescription lenses in a mask !)

… This time I went with Doc Dave, from my dive club, and we stayed at the slightly more up-market Dahab Hilton. No photos, but this is on the other side of town from the Reef 2000 dive centre – it’s actually on the sailing / windsurfing lagoon.

Even so, we still dived with Reef (Sinai Divers – who are on the hotel site – tend to do mostly boat dives), and once again I found that this town really chills me out.

This may be the quietist time in terms of marine life (we only saw about 3 morays, for example, whereas there were a couple of dozen back in November) but – as I hope the photos will show – there’s still to see there if you look for it … and the ref is so relaxing.
Booked through DiveTours, who were – again – very flexible and accommodating.

Album to follow …

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